{"id":373,"date":"2020-05-14T18:21:50","date_gmt":"2020-05-14T23:21:08","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/setent.fm1.dev\/facial-plastics-center\/submental-neck-liposuction\/"},"modified":"2020-09-04T18:25:32","modified_gmt":"2020-09-04T23:25:32","slug":"neck-liposuction","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/setent.fm1.dev\/facial-plastics\/neck-liposuction\/","title":{"rendered":"Submental (neck) Liposuction"},"content":{"rendered":"\n
Submental or neck liposuction is a procedure involving liposuction of the neck and jaw line to remove localized fat deposits. This procedure can improve the contour of the neck for a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.<\/p>\n\n\n
Submental liposuction procedure for individuals who have excessive submental fat but good skin elasticity. Patients are generally forty to forty-five years of age or younger. As with all types of surgeries, good health and realistic expectations are also important.<\/p>\n\n\n
Dr. O\u2019Mara will often perform submental liposuction in the office procedure room under local anesthesia. When combined with other procedures, it may be performed in an outpatient surgery center under IV sedation or general anesthesia. Once the anesthesia is administered, Dr. O\u2019Mara will make a small, inconspicuous incision beneath the chin. A narrow liposuction instrument called a cannula is then placed beneath the skin and the fat is removed, shaping the jaw line and neck.<\/p>\n\n\n